Saturday, December 02, 2006

Math Lesson Plan Incorporating Technology

One lesson that I did with my 1st graders was patterns and they LOVED it. Now with everything they are seeing patterns. Patterns are great because they can be used with everything in everyday things.
Start by showing patterns in everyday things such as clothes, pictures, anything that kids deal with everyday.
Next have kids make patterns with the pattern blocks of colors. They can also use their own colors to color boxes in a pattern.
They can use anything to make patterns. They start using numbers, shapes, and colors.

Another lesson that is fun to do that my 1st graders loved was surveys. First go over a question as a class that can have a yes or no answer. Have them as a class answer it. They can come up to the board and mark their answer. Then compare as a class if more people said yes or no. Next move on to this or that questions as a class. Do they like cats or dogs? Blue or Purple? Pick a question and then have the kids come up to the board again and have them mark their answer and compare again. Next have each of the students make up their own question. They can pick a yes or no question or a this or that question. Then have them go around to each student in the class and ask them the question. An easy way to help them learn everyone's name is to make copies of the class list. Then they can learn each other's names and the spelling.
Also be sure to talk about how to mark each answer. Easiest for yes or no questions is Y and N. For this or that questions they can make their own up, but make sure to talk about keys so they know what an X or Y or whatever they choose means.

PE Websites for Kids

1. PE Links 4 You - Games
This site has tons of links to different games that can be played with kids in PE.

2. PE Central
This site has lots of great resources for teachers and even parents. There are lesson plans, assessment ideas, ideas for preschool pe, and many other great ideas.

3. Energizers
This site has lots of activities that can be done in the classroom to get kids moving. It has ideas for all grades.

4.Better Bodz
This site gives ideas on how to exercise certain body parts. Just click on a part of the body that you want to work on and there will be different exercises.

Links to Primary Source Documents

1. Our
My favorite part of this website is the 100 Milestone Documents. This has all of the great documents in our countrys history. With each document there is a picture of the document that you can navigate to look more closely at it. There are other great parts of this site, but I find this link as the most helpful.

2. National Archives
Of all documents and materials created in the course of business conducted by the United States Federal government, only 1%-3% are so important for legal or historical reasons that they are kept by us forever.
Those valuable records are preserved and are available to you, whether you want to see if they contain clues about your family’s history, need to prove a veteran’s military service, or are researching an historical topic that interests you.(from About the Archives)
On this site there is a place for teachers and for students. To get here, just click on Education.

3. History Central - Primary Source Documents in American History
This site is similar to the other two. There is American History and World History. There is also links to Aviation History, Navy History, Railroad History, American Wars, and Election Central.

4. The American Colonist's Library
These are primary source documents pertaining to early American history.