Sunday, November 19, 2006

Heath Websites for Students

1. Nutrition Data
At this website, students can check the calorie count of different foods and can also check how many calories are in some of their favorite fast food places.

2. Kids Health
This website is not only for kids but for parents and teens as well. They can learn about what goes on in their body with food, they can print off recipies for snacks, they can play games, learn about everyday illnesses and injuries, and many other things as well.

3. The Game Closet
This site has alot of activities for kids to learn about their bodies, good nutrition, illness and so much more! It has informative movies, experiments, quizzes and activities for even the most inquisitive minds. (from Jason Hughes' Blog)

4. Juicy Juice - Just for Kids
This site has lots of games and activities for kids to learn about thier fruits.

5. PE Links 4 You - Health, Fitness, and Nutrition
This is another link from the same website in the PE links, but for many different health sites.


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